
Month: <span>May 2021</span>

The Voice that changes everything

Have you Heard the Voice?



As the ambulance attendee was taking me on a stretcher, I heard my mother’s voice. Even in my unconscious state, I heard love in her voice. This shocked me to my core. I didn’t know she loved me. This, I believe is the reason I lived. I heard her love. The love in her voice stirred the desire within me to live.

Even though this was short-lived, and I quickly allowed my hopes to die once again, this has proven to be a thread throughout my life. The Voice of Love has woven its strand throughout my entire life. Every time I came to the end of myself, God, in His great love and mercy, awakened in me the desire and ability to hear His love. There is nothing better in this life on earth than to have the ability to hear His love.

Many times, throughout my life I have wondered … what was it like to talk to Lazarus after he was raised from the dead? Talk to me now. This is what healed looks like. From The Voice of Love: Hope Breaking out of Shattered Places